Air Vessels & Receivers

Air vessels receivers 01

The DVS range of Air Vessels and Receivers are selected for their high-quality, durability and ability to meet strict Australian Standards.

DVS has a wide selection of air receivers which range in size from 0.3m³ up to 40m³ and with design pressures up to 40 bar to ensure we have the right air receiver for your system. A correctly sized air receiver will increase efficiency and reduce maintenance costs by providing a clean signal buffer between the compressor and reticulation system. Air receivers offer the added benefit of removing condensate from the air stream.

Contact us for information

With wide ranges available on the market, it can be hard to choose Air Vessels and Receivers that meets your exact needs.

By assessing your business needs and supply demand, our sales team can provide you with model suggestions that offer the best performance at an affordable price.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about Air Vessels and Receivers, simply contact us via the adjacent enquiry form.